Hi, I'm David. In February of 2012, I decided that I wanted to bring the "wildly" successful Benevolent Beard back to get people to make charitable contributions to what I think is a good cause. People are interested when other people do weird things. Growing my beard out is sure to get extra attention, so using the extra attention to promote a charity seems like such a great idea.
On Feb 1, 2012, I completely shaved my head and beard to start up The Benevolent Beard. Here is how it works: I, David, do hereby pledge to not tame my mane or trim my beard as long as YOU pledge to give a little back to humanity (I do reserve the right to clean up wild hairs... the length will not be messed with though).
Each month, I will set a target amount of money to be raised for a non-profit that I am working with: WINGS Guatemala. I chose this charity because in addition to having an incredibly amiable mission, I can see exactly where the money from the Beard goes, and how it is used. You can read more about WINGS Guatemala on its web site,www.wingsguate.org.
I know giving is always a touchy, difficult subject for people - it is just hard to part with money you earned. That is what makes The Benevolent Beard so exciting - it is a monthly campaign, so small donation of $1 to $5 will make a huge impact! Think about it... if I can get 100 people to give up ONE cup of Starbuck's coffee a month at $3 a pop, and give it to WINGS Guatemala instead, that is $3,600 per year! So come on, guys - let's get this party started!
I will be posting hair updates often, so check back to see how silly your donations are making me look!